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ETC Reload 2025

We are gathering again at ETC Reload for another year of fellowship, worship, teaching, and time for you to spend with God and close friends.


Just like ETC... 

 We will have workshops, free time with friends, night games, quiet times, worship, teaching, and a camp fire as well!


...but different:

At Reload we collect money for camp directly in person; the same goes for parents' consent forms (for participants below the age of 18). If you need to spend some time in Göttweig for studying you can bring your books and take a few hours in the afternoon for that.


We're looking forward to seeing you November 1-3 at Stift Göttweig! Don't forget to bring your friends!


with others and have time to connect and exchange about the joys and challenges of daily life following Jesus. Our prayer is that you would strengthen old friendships and make new ones.


where we will have time praise God through song, Biblical teaching, testimoniesprayer, and an evening campfire. We hope you leave the weekend refreshed and connected to God and to each other! 


in your walk with Jesus by digging into His Word personally and with each other through quiet times, small groups, hiking, engaging in honest conversations... come develp some roots at ETC Reload!






75 €

Coming Soon

Stift Göttweig

Furth bei Göttweig

Lower Austria 

16-20 years 


- ETC Reload 2025 -

Coming Soon!

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