Leadership Winter Academy
We are thrilled to announce the Next Gen Leadership Academy is happening on January 3-6, 2025 in Stift Göttweig!
Join us for our third Winter Academy as we seek to equip the next generation for a lifetime of ministry.
Purpose and Vision
The Leadership Academy exists to equip young adults for the work of ministry.
We want to reach and raise up young leaders to make an impact in their local churches and our prayer is that this conference will help give you practical tools for your ministry tool-belt.
"Therefore, as you received Christ Jesus the Lord, so walk in Him, rooted & built up in Him and established in the faith, just as you were taught, abounding in thanksgiving." Colossians 2:6–7
What can you expect this year?
The 2025 Leadership Academy will begin on Friday and end on Monday after lunch. There will be several main teaching sessions, various leadership topics, Biblical training, and practical workshops.
There will also be plenty of time to relax with friends, go for a hike, explore the Stift Göttweig campus, gather around a camp fire, and more!
After attending, we hope you walk away with:
Your personal walk with God being refreshed and strengthened
Biblical training and insight concerning servant leadership
Vision and direction for your current leadership responsibilities
Fellowship, unity, and synergy amongst other believers
Eyes opened to what God is doing around Austria and beyond
Early Bird - 130€ (until Oct. 31)
Regular Price - 145€ (Nov. 1 - Dec. 15)
Late Price - 160€ (after Dec. 15)
January 2026
Dates Coming Soon!
18+ years
Stift Göttweig
3511 Furth bei Göttweig
Lower Austria