Next Gen Leadership Academy
Fri, Feb 16
|Jugendhaus Stift Göttweig
Equipping young adults for a lifetime of ministry.

Time & Location
Feb 16, 2024, 5:30 PM GMT+1 – Feb 18, 2024, 4:00 PM GMT+1
Jugendhaus Stift Göttweig, Stift Göttweig 1, 3511 Furth bei Göttweig, Austria
The 2024 NextGen Leadership Academy is happening on February 16-18 in Stift Göttweig!
Dates: Friday, Feb. 16th (Dinner) — Sunday, Feb. 18th (Lunch)
Ages: 19+ years
- Regular Price - 130 € (after Jan 1)
- Late Price - 145 € (after Feb 1)
*Transportation not included in price
- You can make payment by transferring to our account (info below), by February 11th if possible. If you need to pay by cash at the retreat just let us know.
Next Gen Ministries
- IBAN: AT30 2011 1847 7878 6100
/ / Check-In on Friday 16. February / /
- You can check-in at Stift Göttweig Jugendhaus from 17:30 - 18:30 on Friday night (Stift Göttweig 1, 3511 Furth bei Göttweig)
- We will show you the sleeping arrangements and you can get settled in.
- Dinner will be served at 18:30 in the dining hall on campus.
- Our Session 1 will begin at 19:30 on Friday evening in the Jugendhaus.
- You will receive a schedule upon arrival with all the other info you'll need!
/ / Transportation / /
Traveling By Train?
Departing from Vienna:
- Franz-Josefs-Bahnhof is a great station to leave from and has tickets to Stift Göttweig for around 20 € and it takes around 1.5 hours.
- You can purchase tickets in the train station(s) or through the ÖBB website or app.
Arriving at Stift Göttweig:
- Furth-Göttweig is the closest train stop. We will have a few cars which can help take you up to Stift Göttweig upon arrival Friday afternoon, otherwise it’s a one kilometer walk UPhill - which you are free to do as well :)
Traveling By Car?
- Address: Stift Göttweig 1, 3511 Furth bei Göttweig, Austria (there’s plenty of parking on campus).
There will be a “What’s App” group where we can all communicate beforehand about arrival times, etc.
Have Any Questions?
Don't hesitate to contact us at etc@next-gen.at with any questions or concerns!
Packing List:
- E-card
- Bible, pen, notebook
- Towels & toiletries
- House shoes
- Warm winter clothes, lots of layers, sturdy shoes
- Boardgames, other games to play
- *If you plan to come via train: ÖBB Vorteilscard, Top-Jugendticket, Klimaticket Ö (Austria) Klimaticket Regionen (Regional)