Ready to take your Next Step with
following Jesus?
We want to see this generation live for what matters most, and that's in finding and following Jesus Christ - this new program will help us do that!
Our goal is to help equip students for a lifetime of following Jesus, our desire is to help you take your NEXT STEP in following after Jesus. Please consider joining us as we launch this new program and invite your friends along as well!
Program Info:
Join us for a 10 week Bible Study walking through the "Essentials" of our Christian faith.
You will be sent a booklet and once a week we will join together on Zoom to discuss the week's lesson.
We will work through the questions every week together and dive deep into what it means to be a follower of Jesus Christ.
You will be able to meet other teenagers who are wanting to follow Jesus as well
10 week Bible Study
last week August
last week Ocobter
online via Zoom
16+ years